Louisa Mabe

Chief Whip

  • Profile
  • About the office
  • Key Staff
  • The Office of the Chief Whip is established to create synergy and to maintain discipline among Councillors from various Political Parties represented at Council. The Role of the Chief Whip of Council covers both the political and administrative domains of Council but mainly focused on the political aspect
    Six Political Parties are represented in Council and the Chief Whip has to ensure that relationships are constructive and focused on key issues that aimed at improving the lives of the residents of Rustenburg.
    The office of the Chief Whip is the nerve centre of the ANC‘s political management system and the engine of cohesion, discipline and accountability of all the public representatives to the structures of the movement and their constituencies.
    The Chief Whip ensures that there is equitable representation in Committees of Council
    The Chief Whip of Council also serves as the Chief Whip of the ruling party and his responsibilities include the management of the ANC, supervision and management of the ANC Caucus as well as the efficient running and coordination of constituency work of councillors. The Chief Whip and Caucus leadership bear the leadership responsibility of motivating, advising and instilling discipline among all members of Caucus.
  • Admin Officer
    Ms Nooikie Thoke
    T: 014 590 3421
    F: 014 590 3201
    Email: nthoke@rustenburg.gov.za