Traffic Department

1. Traffic or road policing
Traffic or road policing is the enforcement of the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act 93 of 1996) as amended. It promotes the free flow of traffic and works towards the reduction of road traffic incidents or accidents. It also protects the road infrastructure. The functions include amongst other things :
Prosecution through issuing of summonses for contravention of road traffic laws. The purpose is to ensure that drivers are fit for the road and vehicles are fit to be on the road.
Escorts duties
Point duties
Court duties
Patrol for visibility to enhance road safety and compliance
Road Safety enhancement
Handle accidents
Conduct reaserch
The main duties of Traffic are however divided into the following categories :
The purpose is to create the perception of substantially increased enforcement activities through the strategic placement of high visibility patrolling and enforcement activities.
Education regarding road safety, involves media, public relations, training projects and any promotion of road safety activities such as events, branding, community road safety council interventions and other promotional activities
Road Environment
It is important to be aware of high-accident risk areas and to continuously establish whether these are contributed to by the road engineering environment. In recognising these, authorities can often effectively reduce the hazards through the provision of simple remediations such as signs, fences, traffic calming humps and traffic circles. Given also the allowance for human error, roads should provide a forgiving environment which allows for reasonable levels of misuse and carelessness.
The Department also evaluates it strategies and tactics and effect necessary changes were warranted.