RLM Newsletter – Sept 2024

Official Tswelopele External Newsletter – January 2024

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Rustenburg Local Municipality would like to acknowledge the concerns previously raised by the community with regards to Municipal accounts.

Billing successfully ran on Monday 04 December 2017. SMSs were sent on Wednesday 06 December 2017, E-mails sent from Thursday 07 December 2017, Post Office statements will begin to arrive in customers post boxes from Tuesday 12 December 2017.

The Municipality is currently implementing credit control and urges all consumers who are in arrears with their accounts to come to the municipality and make payment arrangement, in the absence of these arrangements municipal services will be terminated.

Arrangements will be concluded on the following conditions:

  • Putting the down payment in terms of the Credit Control and Debt Collection Policy
  • Payment of two months consumption as the deposit
  • Signing of the Service Level Agreement

Should you have queries, you are requested to contact the following municipal officials:

Metered services (water and electricity) – Ms. Elizabeth Manda (Office No. 126) – 014 590 3447

Unmetered services (Valuations, property transfers and clearances) – Ms. Angie Motale (Office No. 154) – 014 590 3377.

Households – Credit control and re-connections – Mr. Joas Kgopong – 014 590 3878

Business – Credit control and re-connections – Ms Isabel Macdonalds (Office 28 ) – 014 590 3665

We humbly apologise for the inconvenience that might have been caused to our community.

For further enquiries kindly contact Mr. Andrew Seome on 014 590 3525/3111 or 082 717 4374.



The Setsokotsane Service Delivery Campaign in Rustenburg

The Setsokotsane Service Delivery Campaign has once again made its way into Rustenburg following its launch in the North West Province.
Setsokotsane is an inclusive radical interventionist program by the Premier of the North West province working together with all MECs as well as people in the province to respond to triple challenges of poverty, unemployment and inequality.
The program will be running in the area of jurisdiction of the Rustenburg Local Municipality from 6th to17th March 2017.
The campaign takes place throughout the wards of Rustenburg to the benefit of the community, including, inter alia, obtaining feedback from the public; strengthen intergovernmental relations and cooperative governance; and address the backlog of service delivery, over and above services rendered at the jamboree (a one stop service sport where all identified departments service the community, for example, Department Home Affairs, Health, Social Development, etc.)
The jamborees are planned as follows:
DATE                                                                                                                        AREA
Thursday – 09th March 2017                                         Braampie Sports ground (Marikana) Ward 31
Friday – 10th March 2017                                               Zakhele Office (Open space) Ward 34 (Zakhele)
Thursday – 16th March 2017                                          Phatsima Community Hall
Friday – 17th March 2017                                                Kroondal Primary School Sports Grounds
For further enquiries kindly contact Mr Thapelo Matebesi on 014 590 3509/ 3111 or 072 761 1018. End.

Eskom Power System Emergency

It is that time of the year again when knowledge of what you have been studying throughout the year will be put to test in the final examinations.

We know that you have studied hard throughout the year and that your hard work will soon bear sweet fruit, preparing you to take your studies to the next level of tertiary.
Go out there and make not only your parents and Educators proud but the rest of the Rustenburg community.