Stakeholder Forum meeting held at the Rustenburg Civic Centre

The Executive Mayor of Rustenburg Cllr Shiela Mabale-Huma is this afternoon at the helm of stakeholders engagement at the IDP Multi-Stakeholder Forum meeting held at the Rustenburg Civic Centre. She is accompanied by MMC (Member of Mayoral Committee) responsible for Integrated Development Planning (IDP) Cllr Selebaleng Pule.

This meeting provides a platform for discussions and inputs towards the draft IDP and other policies of the municipality that assume relevance in the said forum by participating stakeholders. This exercise is the expression of the municipality’s commitment to pulling with all stakeholders within the boundaries of its jurisdiction.

Items under discussion include the following presentations:
– Draft IDP 2023/2024
– Draft MTREF 2023/2024 (Medium Term Revenue and Expenditure Framework)
– Budget related policies and tariffs
– Amended SDBIP (Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan).

Member of Mayoral Committee (MMC) responsible for Integrated Development Planning (IDP) Cllr Selebaleng Pule addresses beneficiaries of the Red Cross’ relief cash funding at Ben Marais Hall this morning.

Member of Mayoral Committee (MMC) responsible for Integrated Development Planning (IDP) Cllr Selebaleng Pule addresses beneficiaries of the Red Cross’ relief cash funding at Ben Marais Hall this morning.

In response to the floods in Gauteng and North West, the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) approved the Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to help South Africa Red Cross (SARCS) to provide immediate relief and lifesaving assistance to the affected households. In this regard, SARCS supports the affected households with cash assistance to help them in acquiring food and basic household items.

The cash transfer will be reaching a total of 1300 households (1000 in Gauteng and 300 in North West) done as once off with each household receiving R2 500,00.

SARCS has therefore, scheduled cash transfer launch in the North West Province, Bojanala Branch in Rustenburg today.

Launch of the Disability Forum

MMC for Public Safety Cllr Virginia Mputle presents her speech on behalf of the Executive Mayor of Rustenburg Cllr Shiela Mabale-Huma at the Launch of the Disability Forum currently taking place at the Rustenburg Civic Centre.

This forum will serve as a platform for active engagement and participation of disabled people in the development of Rustenburg and in activities that involve their daily lives.

The National World Tuberculosis (TB) Day

Commemoration of the National World Tuberculosis Day is currently underway at Tlhabane stadium, hosted by the Rustenburg Local Municipality.

The event is graced by, amongst others, the presence of the Deputy President of South Africa, Hon. Paul Mashatile; Minister of Health Hon. Dr Joe Phaahla, Premier of the North West Province Hon. Kaobitsa Maape; MEC for Health in the North West province Hon. Madoda Sambatha; Speaker of the North West Provincial Legislature Hon. Basetsana Dantjie; and Mayor of Rustenburg Cllr Shiela Mabale-Huma.

As part of the global community, South Africa commemorates the World TB Day annually on the 24 March, to reinforce its commitment as government to raise public awareness on TB and its devastating health, social and economic consequences whilst strengthening efforts to prevent its spread.

Clean & Safe City Campaign:

The Rustenburg Local Municipality (RLM) in collaboration with the South African Police Service (SAPS) and NW Department of Public Works and Roads is conducting bylaw compliance enforcement operations in the CBD and taxi rank since this morning, as part of its commitment to rid the city of illegal business traders, illegal structures, buildings and shelters, illegal water and electricity connections, and nonpayment of services, ensuring that the city remains clean and safe.

As part of its effort to support Road Safety Education, Sibanye-Stillwater Mine was yesterday handing out scholar patrol and sporting equipment to schools participating on first phase of the Community Safety Program intended to educate pupils on road safety.

As part of its effort to support Road Safety Education, Sibanye-Stillwater Mine was yesterday handing out scholar patrol and sporting equipment to schools participating on first phase of the Community Safety Program intended to educate pupils on road safety.

Participating stakeholders included the Rustenburg Local Municipality, North West Department of Community Safety and Transport Management, and Department of Education (Bojanala District), led by the Executive Mayor of Rustenburg Cllr Shiela Mabale-Huma, accompanied by MMC for Public Safety Cllr Virginia Mputle, MMC for Technical and Infrastructure Services Cllr Thabang Rampou, and MMC for Local Economic Development Cllr Karabo Phutu.

The event was held at Sibanye-Stillwater Recreation Club.