The Rustenburg Local Municipality has received reports, that larger parts of Rustenburg have been reconnected back to the electrical network. This follows the illegal industrial action by employees at the City’s Electrical Unit. The efforts of the Accounting Officer, Director for Technical and Infrastructure Services as well as the entire management of the Electrical Unit are appreciated in ensuring that residents have their electrical supply restored and that services were not hampered further.
The Municipality, also appreciates the work done by the Directorate for Public Safety, without whom the operation to restore electricity would have not been completed successfully. The DPS escorted all of the teams which had been tasked with the responsibility of restoring power. The RLM wishes to reiterate its position that ill-discipline will not be tolerated, and that consequence management processes will be initiated until they are concluded.
Additionally, the RLM remains open to discussions with employees over any workplace grievances which will ensure that issues raised in-line with the established procedures are resolved amicably. Any acts of sabotage are not in the best interests of the City’s residents, the Municipality or service delivery.
The RLM expresses further gratitude to the residents, who displayed patience during this period until such time that electricity supply was restored.