Rustenburg Local Municipality has new Single Whip

Following the resignation of Councilor Amos Mataboge as Single Whip of Council, in the latter part of 2019, the Rustenburg Local Council during a Special Council Meeting held on the 17th January 2020, duly elected Councilor Levy Mokwele as the Single Whip of Council, replacing Councilor Amos Matoboge.
Councilor Mokwele’s appointment was lauded by the Executive Mayor, Councilor Mpho Khunou who said the move sought to strengthen the optimal functioning of Council “Given the period within which we find ourselves, being the penultimate year before Council is dissolved, it was critical that we move with the necessary speed to ensure that the vacancy is filled and that the Councilor entrusted with the responsibility ensures that Council functions are carried out and that Councilors conduct demonstrates the collective commitment to serving the people of Rustenburg” Mayor Khunou emphasized.
The elected Single Whip says his hope is that Councilors will cooperate with him as they did with his predecessor “nothing changes really, because in the main, I am an elected public representative and as such my allegiance and commitment is with the 45 wards of our City. Our people have entrusted us with the responsibility to bring about developmental objectives in line with the approved IDP (integrated development plan) where they live. Therefore, my interest is to ensure that Councilors perform their duties in a responsible manner and that all of the decisions that are taken are implemented. But more importantly we need to have people who are able to account and ensure that there is no excuse for serviced delivery” Councilor Mokwele said.
The Single Whip’s term will be until the end of the current term of Council next year, prior to the Municipal elections.


Use of Alternate Parking Space for Taxi’s, Due to Renovations to the Commuter Terminus

Residents are hereby advised that due to the on-going renovations at the commuter terminus, which began at the beginning of January 2020, a temporary arrangement has been made by the Municipality in conjunction with the taxi industry to allocate the open space in front of the Waste Department in Bethlehem Drive.  The open space will be used as alternate parking for the taxis who are making use of the facility, to allow the contractor sufficient work space for the renovations that are currently being undertaken until completion.
We apologize to residents and road-users for the inconvenience that this may cause.


Rustenburg Local Municipality and Stakeholders Donate School Uniform to Primary School

Earlier today the Executive Mayor of Rustenburg Local Municipality Cllr Mpho Khunou together with other stakeholders donated school uniform to the learners of Cyferbuilt – Ward 36. The area which is largely rural owing to its geography within a farming region is 80 kilometres outside Rustenburg.
The donation, served as a follow up from last year’s event which was held in the area organised by the women in the various law enforcement agencies in the province (South African Police Services, Public Safety Directorate of the Rustenburg Local Municipality (Fire Department, Law Enforcement and Traffic Unit) and the North West Provincial Traffic).
The Executive Mayor, was accompanied by ward Cllr Pogiso Tsienyane during the visit and subsequent donation at Cyferbuilt Primary School. During his address to the learners the Executive Mayor said, it was important for every resident of Rustenburg to be properly serviced in line with the constitution of the Republic ” We are here today, to offer this school uniform because we are aware of your plight. Rustenburg includes you and this area you call home, therefore you deserve the same attention, that we give to other areas within our jurisdiction. It is my hope that, this opportunity that you have been given by your parents and this school to come here and learn, will be beneficial to you. I must also stress that although this area is regarded is largely rural, it is upon you to ensure that you will become future contributors to the development of this area” Mayor Khunou emphasized.
Cllr Tsienyane, could not hide his excitement following the donation. ” We are indeed proud that today, this school in my ward has benefited from this noble course. Regardless of the challenges that are the these children will see that, they are not alone and we will do everything in our power to ensure that they also have a fair opportunity in bettering their lives” said Cllr Tsienyane. Ubank, also was present as one of the stakeholders that contributed towards today’s donation ceremony.

Rustenburg Local Municipality 2018/19 Audit Outcomes Briefing Session with the Auditor General

The Executive Mayor Cllr Mpho Khunou together with the Municipal Manager, Mr. Victor Makona today hosts the Auditor General on the briefing session of the 2018/2019 audit outcomes which will be officially communicated by the Auditor General at a date to be confirmed.
Attending the briefing session also is the Speaker of Council, Cllr Sheila Mabale-Huma, Single Whip Cllr Levy Mokwele and MMC’s of the various directorates as well as the Directors who are also affected by the findings of the Auditor General, in respect of the 2018/19 financial year as it relates to the Municipality’s financial performance (expenditure) and or handling of its affairs its quest to provide service delivery to the residents of Rustenburg, as mandated by the country’s constitution.
The Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA) is the supreme audit institution (SAI) of South Africa. Legislatively, it is the only institution that, has to audit and report on how all spheres (national, provincial and local) of government spend the taxpayers’ money.

Executive Mayor, Municipal Manager and Transport MMC, brief MEC for Community Safety and Transport Management On the Completion of the RRT Project

This morning, the Executive Mayor of Rustenburg Local Municipality Cllr Mpho Khunou, led a delegation from the Rustenburg Local Municipality on the progress to date and readiness of the Rustenburg Rapid Transport (RRT) to go live later in the year. Mayor Khunou was accompanied by the Municipal Manager Mr. Victor Makona and MMC for Roads and Transport Cllr Joyce Mashishi-Ntsime during a briefing session with the MEC of Community Safety and Transport Management – Sello Lehari in Rustenburg.
The RRT project, which is the first of its kind in the province intends to make the use of public transport system in the City and surrounding areas, accessible for over 75000 daily commuters through the existing road network as well as constructed bus-ways to ease traffic in and around the City while reducing congestion. In attendance also the Acting Director for Roads and Transport, Mr. Fumani Ntlhamu and Director for Local Economic Development Mr. Edward Komane. The taxi industry representatives who have been working closely with the Municipality ahead of the launch of the project, while addressing the effects of the project on the taxi industry which has been using some of the identified routes for the RRT, were also part of the session.